About Us
We are an independent fashion brand that strives to stand out from the crowd. Our mission is to create t-shirts that are one-off and unique . Having designed an embroidred t-shirt collection previousley for Oxfam Unique a few years ago my love for t-shirt design is stronger than ever.
Having gained experience with the print department at Miss Selfridge HO I gained a valuable insight in the world of fashion and my love for fashion design just keeps growing.
When we decided on the foundations to our business, we wanted to keep the brand ethical and fair.
I myself have allways strived to produce recycled garments and adopt the motto re-use and re-cycle. It was only fitting that MRTC uses organic fairtrade cotton enabling workers a fair wage in under developed countries. I also wanted to use non-toxic inks to print with which would benefit people with sensitive skin. I do believe it was Dr Jaeger that believed in only the most soft wool to grace the skin.
We are inspired by many subjects such as songs, films, flowers and in some of our more abstract work the human body translated through the medium of design into beautiful printed jewellery.
We strive to create individual and bespoke products through the medium of print here at MRTC we hope you enjoy the products to.